What makes our team different from classical political parties
Our Commune, the localities of Kopstal and Bridel, is the place where we experience community, find our friends, grow up and go to school, do sports, start a family, follow individual paths and ultimately try to be as happy as possible.
Our Community is our << home >>. All of us together can leave a mark on our home and make it fit for the future.
That’s why “Aer Equipe”, a team of men and women without any national ambitions or particular political constraints but with a large experience in domains like healthcare, industry, culture, sports or even legal and administrative services, wants to take advantage of the upcoming elections on June 11th to share their visions for our commune with you:
an efficient administration
transparent decisions through a lively citizen participation
sustainable infrastructures and spending taxpayer’s money with a sense of proportion
a liveable environment through:
a modern urban development
a real living solidarity
Our priority projects for the next six years
A final project for the Wirtspesch Center in Kopstal
A multifunctional hall for our municipality is a priority, an absolute “must”! We’ve been talking about it for years! Without a real social and cultural center, there is, in the long term, no more any associative life in our municipality!
A modern technical hall is the sine qua non for providing quality services to citizens
The municipality’s technical service can no longer continue to operate properly on different sites and in containers! For the construction of a technical hall, a reasonable and final decision, which has been dragging on for two years, must be taken quickly so that the project does not fall further behind schedule.
Road traffic that literally cuts our town in two
We drain the majority of automobile flows on a large part of the North-Central axis through our village! Why is our municipality one of the few where no one wants to hear about a bypass? Our team will relaunch the national authorities responsible with insistence because we are not bound by particular political considerations.
A new school campus secures the future of our children and improves life together
The project for the construction of the new school is not up to the ambitions that the municipality wants to give itself elsewhere. The current project for the construction/renovation of the school in Bridel will have to be reviewed in detail to prevent the planned construction site from disrupting the smooth running of education for years.
As we would like to make an inclusion policy, especially at the school level, why not provide before the final planning a partnership with existing international schools at least at the level of the early and fundamental classes?
The PAG (General Development Plan) of our municipality: a never-ending story
Now that the procedure has finally been launched, it will be a question of ensuring future PAPs (Special Development Projects) which will necessarily come to specify and execute the PAG.
In these major real estate projects which bare a risk to considerably increase the population of our municipality, the latter will have to remain vigilant in order to preserve its interests. Any available grounds could usefully be allocated to economic activities that will generate income at the level of our municipality’s budget.
More generally Sports, Culture and Leisure encourage community life and therefore need a strong action plan
The development of a multi-year cultural and sports action plan will contribute to the implementation of the renovation and/or construction of sports and cultural facilities as well as the coordination of the projects of associations, clubs and commissions. These will be associated with the realization of this generalized action plan.
Moreover, Quality of life and living together are important values for our team which need to be guaranteed
Quality of life also means quality of life for the elderly and thus ensuring a local service as the increase in services offered by our CIGL. We imagine that by a simple phone call small maintenance work can be done for dependent or handicapped people, in convalescence or immobilized momentarily by an illness. We believe that this would be a significant and precious help for our citizens.
One of the important issues of our team is to assure the quality of life and the
<< living together >> through a multi-cultural, inter-generational society in order to create an enriched social life for all.