Your candidates for 2017
Romain Adam
“Even if I will not accept to be mayor or district councillor anymore, I want to provide continuity in Är Equipe, I want to support them with my experience and answer the big questions related to local politics in a discussion with the people.”
Romain Adam is a lawyer. He is married and has two children. In 1999, he was immediately elected as district councillor with a fantastic result.
In 2005, he became a deputy mayor, responsible for finances and he was president of the committee of finances. His knowledge about law was important for the municipality more than once. In January 2010, he succeeded Guy Linster as mayor, and was confirmed as mayor when he was the candidate of Är Equipe who received the most votes in the local elections in 2011. Romain Adam took a lot of care concerning the development of the municipality in all these years.

Luz Arenas
“I’m learning Luxembourgish in order to better understand my fellow citizens and to get involved in our municipality more intensely.”
Luz Arenas is an economist and has been living in Luxembourg since 2002 and in Bridel since 2007. She has been a member of the committee of integration since 2011 and is its president since last year.
She has a son who was born in Luxembourg in 2010 and now goes to primary school. Luz is specialized in the management of international projects. For her, sustainable development, ecology and the protection of our environment in our municipality, as well as social and cultural values are the basis of every integrative project. Therefore, she is committed to making working and living together in our community more open and responsible.

René Buchette
Railway official (retired)
“I think it is very important that we continue supporting youth sport and develop the infrastructure.”
René is married and has two grown-up children. He is very interested in football; he played it for almost 40 years and was a referee for 22 years.
He has been the president of the local football club “FC Kopstal 33” for eleven years and keeps trying to encourage our youth to actively do sports. He has been interested in local politics for a long time. He has been a member of the sports committee since 2000. It was him who initiated the renovation of the football clubs meeting place, as well as its showers and toilets through the college of mayor. Even more important: it was his idea to install a small artificial turf field for the youth of or municipality.

Laura Da Silva
“For me, human beings are always the centre of attention, that is why I’m committed to senior citizens and adolescents. I dedicate myself to the integration of children with learning difficulties in school.”
Laura is a nurse, mother of three children, married and a socially committed citizen. She has been living in Bridel since 1996 and has been engaged in the community for years. She is active in the committee for equality of opportunity and integration.
Due to her multilingualism, she is a good listener. Laura currently works in the CHL, where she was assigned to the services of oncology, reanimation, clinical teaching and research.
Whenever Laura takes on a task, she does it full-heartedly, with her mind and with all-out commitment.

Sarah Diederich
“I am committed to improving media communication between the municipality and the citizens in order to provide a better information policy, which should increasingly consider social media.”
Sarah Diederich moved to Bridel with her mother two years ago. She went to the Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg and simultaneously studies International Economics, Rhetoric and Media Sciences in Tübingen (Germany).
She currently also is vice-president of the Young Socialists of Luxembourg (JSL) for the second year in succession.Sarah has always been a communicative person and writes in the journalistic blog of the Asbl Association Narin. Sarah brings new ideas and a breath of fresh air to Är Equipe.

Thilly Ecker-Goedert
Private Public Servant ACL (retired)
“I lived the change in the municipality. Therefore, I stand up for not letting our community become a dormitory town.”
Thilly Ecker-Goedert is the mother of two grown-up children and grandmother of four grand-children. She lives in Kopstal and even went to school there. Afterwards, she went to the Girls’ School in Luxembourg City.Thilly experienced how Kopstal grew and Bridel became larger.
She is able to tell stories about the time when the stores in the village still were a meeting point for neighbours and how life in the municipality slowly changed. Thilly Ecker is used to organizing, taking responsibility and addressing the concerns of the inhabitants. Her job at ACL made her gain these qualities. She worked there for 38 years in total and even was the head of the travel agency of ACL for 15 years.

Jacques Ewen
CFL official
“The traffic planning in our two villages has to take the concept of the ‘mobilité douce’ into account, of which a partial busway on the main street is an integral part.”
Jacques Ewen spent his childhood in Bridel and now lives in Kopstal. As a former football player, he is very keen to sports and to associative-life: it is only through the means of active associations that solidarity arises.
According to his opinion, the annoyance of the inhabitants through traffic noise and exhaust emissions has hit its wall. Together with all the inhabitants, the municipal government has to continue fighting for an acceptable solution, as the proposals have been there for years, but the ministry in charge has been blocking them ever since.

Roger Hamen
Art consultant
“With my connections to the national and international art scene, I will commit myself to a dynamic cultural policy in our municipality.”
Roger has been active in the music scene for years, mainly in the field of Rock, Pop and Jazz. Youth welfare work in these domains is very important to him.
He is substantially involved in the national recognition and spreading of this music and he is also involved in the implementation of the Rockhal in Esch-Belval. He even worked there as first director before he became an attaché in the Centre of Resources of the Rockhal. Roger Hamen has been living in Bridel since 1985, he is married and has two sons. He is the president of the local committee of culture and member of the sports committee, president of the national Fête de la Musique a.s.b.l. and member of the administrative board of the Luxembourg City Tourist Office as well as of the Mierscher Kulturhaus.

Hendrik Kühne
Leader of an industrial union in Luxembourg
“As a father, I am very committed to our youth. Therefore, I stand for an efficient youth welfare work.”
Hendrik Kühne was married and has a child. He was eight years old when his parents moved to Bridel. He went to primary school in our municipality and got his school-leaving qualification in the Lycée Michel Rodange, ...
… right after which he studied political sciences with an emphasis on environmental policy. Among other things, he worked abroad in the field of development aid, partially on behalf of the government of Luxembourg. Therefore, it is not surprising that Hendrik was the head of the traffic and environmental committee and has been engaged in the finance committee during the past years. Hendrik Kühne is very committed and knowledgable, character traits which we absolutely need in our municipality.

Maria Scheppach
Jurist, Doctor of law
“For me, local politics are: listening, asking, analysing, coming up with solutions and taking responsibility. I am ready to make less popular decisions for the sake of our municipality.”
Maria Scheppach has been living in Bridel since 1998 and has two children who went to school here. She studied law and was registered in the incorporated law society and now works as a director of different companies investing in renewable energies.
Maria has been committed to the life in our municipality for a long time and was a member of different committees, such as the committee of school and the real estate committee. She was the secretary of the administrative board of “Crèche Botterblumm” and is the vice-president of the association “Koplescht – fréier an hott”, which takes a closer look at the history of our municipality. At the beginning of 2016, she obtained a post in the district council and familiarized herself with the dossiers.

Patrick Thill
Industrial engineer in the Asset Management of CREOS
“I’ve been a member of the real estate committee the committee of environment and traffic for several years, and I think that my technical competence can be useful in the rest of the municipality as well.”
Patrick Thill is from Bridel. He is married and has three children. His job entails that he can advise us in many technical issues.
As a child, Patrick already learned how important it is to get involved in local politics: his father participated in Är Equipe right from the beginning and was a district councillor for some years. He comes from a family of Kopstal and therefore knows the development of our villages in every detail. This knowledge about Bridel and Kopstal, as well as his closeness to it, are very important to us.