An overview of our program 2017
We must listen to the concerns and opinions of the citizens before making decisions; this is what we have always done and what we will continue to do in the interest of the commune and its residents.
The PAG (Plan d’aménagement géneral) lays out the main lines of the urban development of a municipality.
Är Equipe-CSV echevinal college has developed the project for a new PAG.
After the communal elections, the new echevinal college and the Communal Council will decide either to modify it or to implement it as it is. In both cases, the population must be informed and consulted.
For Är Equipe the quality of life is paramount.
Är Equipe will seek a harmonious development for our two localities, but it is not opposed to the creation of housing on our territory, even if this results in a densification of the habitat.
Är Equipe will ensure respect for the historical and cultural heritage, touristic and ecological values of our municipality and will ensure that acceptable solutions are found for traffic, smooth mobility and the optimal use of the public facilities.
In addition, we seek to promote and maintain the commercial activities and services in the two localities. The current PAG triggers the relocation of gas stations, while promoting local commercial businesses.
For Är Equipe the quality of life of the residents must be at the heart of any debate.
In the next years, the additional housing offer will increase the number of residents in both localities of our Commune.
For Är Equipe, it will be key to find the right solutions to such a challenge:
- We will ensure that your voice is heard and that you are part of the discussions of the project of the PAG (Plan d’aménagement général) of our urban development.
- We will establish an investment program by identifying the priorities and the necessary financial means.
In Kopstal we will create a meeting place around the ‘Wirtspesch’ and the ‘Al Schoul’ a “Treff” for young people, adults and seniors of all nationalities.
This could consist of a ‘Wirtsstuff’ ‘Hostware’ to which, ideally, a grocery store will be added, which will be useful for the seniors, among others. We will examine whether a day center can be developed.
The ‘Wirtspesch’ will be renovated to accommodate new services. Although, the recently arranged large room will continue to serve as a social events hall and the rooms on the 1st floor will host courses and could also be set up as meeting rooms for the local associations.
Är Equipe will give a high priority to the construction of the technical hall, which will centralize all the technical service activities, to guarantee more efficient service. The sales agreement for the land for the future hall has already been signed.
We will need to ensure that the restoration of the cemetery in Kopstal is done, as well as the maintenance of the walks and paths, e.g. along the Mamer or between our two localities.
The Commune has recently launched the construction of a new sports hall that meets the needs of our school primarily and of the various clubs, such as table tennis, among others.
The changing rooms will be also accessible to the tennis club, located directly next to the sports hall.
Together with the buildings of the crèche, Maison relais and the school, this site will form a genuine school campus for which, some parts of roads will be closed to the traffic to better guarantee the safety and tranquility of this place.
On the same campus, Är Equipe will build a new Maison relais, on a site acquired for this purpose at the beginning of this year. This will enlarge the existing one and at the same time, it will provide an extension of the basic school with additional rooms.
In the last years, the schoolyard and surrounding green spaces have been converted into a welcoming place, a playground open to all children, also outside of school hours.
Should we now close the access with a fence? Opinions differ. Är Equipe proposes that a consultation takes place under the chairmanship of a neutral body. The municipal council will consider the conclusions of the consultation.
The necessary renovations, including the repair of the parvis should start without delay. State subsidies under the new national monument status will help us to accelerate this work.
The relocation of the scout cottage was a real success – so much, so that it will now be necessary to improve access and provide parking spaces.
The supply of drinking water was guaranteed. On May 23, 2017 two new water basins were inaugurated at the foot of the old water tower.
This is the last step in a complete upgrade of our drinking water infrastructure and wastewater disposal. The municipality is now equipped with high performance structures, allowing, if necessary, extensions at less costs.